Global Competence

Multilingual "Anthology of the Young People of the Red Mountain" was written and illustrated by students, the anthology features work in Indigenous languages Mè’phàà, Tu´un Savi, Náhuatl, Spanish, and English.
Through its Global Connections Program, One World continues to create opportunities for students to see the world through each other’s eyes, fostering a generation of global citizens who celebrate diversity and unity.
A One World Conference held by partners in Mexico showcased environmental projects and project planning for the betterment of their communities.
Noah is the embodiment of what One World stands for and it is such a pleasure for One World to award him with the certificate of recognition for an Outstanding Service Learning Project through Noah’s Community Cakes. Noah also...
Startled by the different barriers that impact students’ ability to be members of our school community, Student Equity Leaders committed to creating change within their school to promote accessibility using One World’s Agents of Change...
Students from Guerrero, Mexico and Connecticut, USA witnessed the release of 10 turtles into the sea via virtual event on June 17, 2021.
The members of the One World Youth Club created a video reminding all students about how to be respectful and how to handle bullying.
ne World Youth club members from around the world were asked what it means to them to be a member of a One World Club.