What One World Youth Members are saying about One World

One World Youth club members from around the world were asked what it means to them to be a member of a One World Club. The quotes from youth club members ages 7-20 years old remind us why the One World program is so important and the impact it is having on kids all over the world.

What One Worlders are saying

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Peace Through the Arts- A One World Celebration

In a world often divided by borders, languages, and ideologies, there are moments that remind us of our shared humanity. On June 22, 2024, One World together with the Denzel Washington School of the Arts in Mount Vernon, NY, hosted a remarkable event—a celebration of human connectedness, peace, and abundance through the arts. Students, educators, and One World’s global community came together to witness a kaleidoscope of creativity, bridging cultures and fostering hope.

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