Global Competence
Enrichment Program
Over the course of the last decade, One World has developed an award winning Global Competence Enrichment program designed to engage K – 12 students.
The One World enrichment program can come in the form of an After School Club or can be directly integrated into the mainstream classroom. The suggested implementation time is roughly 30 hours over the entire school year, however, each enrichment program should adapt to fit their own needs. Remember, One World Facilitators are here to help!
Programming & Support
Action Plan
The action plan is developed for easy implementation and adaptable to fit each school’s individual needs
90-minute On-Boarding Session to walk teachers through the program's resources and systems of support so they feel confident in becoming a One World Classroom or Club
Year-long, continuous support with One World Facilitators to ensure student (and teacher!) success
Certification for both students and classrooms upon completion of the program!
Core Four Lessons
These lessons are what start every One Worlder's year. This series of 4 lessons lay the foundation for a supportive and inclusive program.
Global Connections connect your classroom to another One World classroom around the globe through a series of 4 virtual lessons.
Sustainability Education is present in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals, Carbon Neutral and Net Zero, recycling, hydroponics, and more.
Service Learning
The group completes at least one service learning opportunity throughout the year.
"I am very proud of all the new knowledge my One Worlders have acquired throughout this year, so much growth, they have become advocates and true Global Citizens that communicate effectively, with respect and tolerance!"
Mrs. Vanessa from Port Chester, NY
Get Started Today!
Educate. Connect. Empower.
- Educate for global awareness
- Connect students through good character
- Empower through service learning