One World in Action

News, Events & Inspirational Student Stories



Peace Through the Arts- A One World Celebration

On June 22, 2024, One World together with the Denzel Washington School of the Arts in Mount Vernon, NY, hosted a remarkable event—a celebration of human connectedness, peace, and abundance through the arts.
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One World introduces new program- Academic Accelerator.

One World introduces a new school program- The Academic Accelerator. The Academic Accelerator program is a multi-faceted school support program to prepare students to thrive in a time of exponential change. It enhances math, science and language skills as needed.

One World Launches Global Connections Program at Washington Irving School

One World re­cently launched its Global Con­nec­tions Pro­gram at Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing In­ter­me­di­ate School in the Tar­ry­town School Dis­trict with nine class­rooms join­ing the pro­gram. The pro­gram con­nects stu­dents to their peers in Ecuador in an ef­fort to bring them to­gether to learn with and from one an­other.
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Piloting The Academic Accelerator Program with EEL Students at East New York Middle School

One World and East New York Middle School of Excellence in Brooklyn, New York have collaborated to successfully bring the Academic Accelerator program to ELL students for two consecutive years. 
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Piloting the Academic Accelerator Program at Ossining Elementary School

From April the 1st to May 18th One World teamed up with Ossining Elementary School to pilot our Academic Accelerator program with bilingual fifth grade students.  We offered support in Math,  (for Spanish and English speakers), Literacy, Spanish conversational skills and English conversational skills. 
Mt Vernon

Students from Mt. Vernon NY and China meet through Global Connections Program

After a year of communications with students from Jingling Primary School in China, Denzel Washington School of the Arts sixth graders finally met their Chinese counterparts via Zoom on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.  
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Bryn Tirion Hall School pledge to raise awareness in their school and local community of some global issues affecting us all.

One worlders from Wrexham, North Wales focused their meetings this term on helping us to recognize that we can all make a difference by acting to building a fairer, environmentally restored, and sustainable world for all.

Noah’s Community Cakes

Noah is the embodiment of what One World stands for and it is such a pleasure for One World to award him with the certificate of recognition for an Outstanding Service Learning Project through Noah’s Community Cakes. Noah also recieved a cash price to go towards his mission to bake 1,000 cakes by his 18th birthday. 
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Creating Change at Claremont School: Advocating for Accessibility

Startled by the different barriers that impact students’ ability to be members of our school community, Student Equity Leaders committed to creating change within their school to promote accessibility using One World’s Agents of Change Curriculum.
Gun violence story

Students from Brooklyn and Acapulco pledge to achieve radical non-violence in their communities

8th graders from East New York Middle School of Excellence in Brooklyn, New York  and a group of 7th graders from Escuela Secundaria General No.4 in Acapulco-Guerrero, Mexico Students from Brooklyn and Acapulco pledge to achieve radical non-violence in their communities.

One World Celebrating World Environment Day

On June 5th (EST), One World United and Virtuous sponsored and assisted Westchester Green County USA (WGC USA) to celebrate World Environment Day with environmental clubs around the world.

One World’s 2023 Communities of Learning & Practice: Climate Change

Our Global One World  Community came together on Saturdays from March 4th to April 1st to be part of our annual COLP (Communities of Learning and Practice). Over 100 OneWorlders
OW 2040

One World 2040

Students from Claremont School in Ossining, New York met their global peers from Escuela Francisca Arizaga Toral in Cuenca, Ecuador and inspired each other to collaborate on EcoActs.

Schools Are Rewarded for Most Eco Acts Around World

Even though Experimental Primary School of Taicang just joined the One World Sustainability Program this year, they found a creative way to reduce their carbon footprint.
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One Worlders around the Globe Celebrate Earth Day

One Worlders from all over the world sent in their Earth Day celebrations and shared them with each other. Watch the video!