Global Connections

One World re­cently launched its Global Con­nec­tions Pro­gram at Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing In­ter­me­di­ate School in the Tar­ry­town School Dis­trict with nine class­rooms join­ing the pro­gram. The pro­gram con­nects stu­dents to their peers in Ecuador in an...
After a year of communications with students from Jingling Primary School in China, Denzel Washington School of the Arts sixth graders finally met their Chinese counterparts via Zoom on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.  
8th graders from East New York Middle School of Excellence in Brooklyn, New York  and a group of 7th graders from Escuela Secundaria General No.4 in Acapulco-Guerrero, Mexico Students from Brooklyn and Acapulco pledge to...
Students from Claremont School in Ossining, New York met their global peers from Escuela Francisca Arizaga Toral in Cuenca, Ecuador and inspired each other to collaborate on EcoActs.
We celebrated the end of Hispanic Heritage Month (October 14th) by conducting a global connection between Grady Elementary (Elmsford, New York, USA), Escuela Nicolas Sojos (Cuenca, Ecuador), and Centro Educativo Años Maravillosos (CEAM) (Guerrero, Mexico).
Through a partnership with Global Peace Foundation-Brazil, our Global Connections Program was able to bring together schools in Mexico and Brazil.
As a launch to our Global Connections Fall Cohort, we hosted teachers from around the world through our inaugural Global Coffee Chat. There were representatives from Brazil, China, Ecuador, Kenya, Mexico, the UK and the...
The fourth grade dual-language classroom from Ossining, NY, USA and the fourth grade students from Cuenca, Ecuador presented and learned about each other’s unique and diverse cultures.
Students from Claremont school in Ossining, New York and students from Centro Educativo Años Maravillosos (CEAM) in Guerrero, Mexico were introduced to each other through the Global Connections program and learned about each other. 
This year we celebrated our first Global Cultural Day with students from Clubs around the world participating to sharing their cultures.