Port Chester Middle School is making a big impact on their community

Kids hosting clothing drive

The Port Chester Middle School One World Club has had a busy year making a big difference.

Their first service learning project of the year was to fund raise and help bring awareness for an employee of their school whose two young sons have Adrenoleukodystrophy, or ALD. The school hosted a Fun Run and the One Worlders created and distributed posters and made daily announcements to help ensure the event was successful. They wrapped gift baskets to use as raffle prizes and made containers to hold raffle tickets. The entire club participated in this community wide event which helped to raise $15,000 for this family.

Their second project was helping the newcomers of their school. Many of the newcomers come from Latin America with very few items of clothing. The One World Club held a clothes drive and then folded, organized, and priced the clothing to put on display like a department store. The newcomers will be given play money to use to practice math & English speaking skills while shopping for the items of clothing they need for themselves and their family members.

Another project that PCMS worked on was organizing and distributing winter coats. Their school was given a large donation of brand new winter coats and the One World club was responsible for organizing the coats by gender and size to help make distribution to those in need run smoothly.

This club also held a Food Drive for the month of December. The club collected specific items of food that will be donated to a local food pantry in Port Chester, NY.

Additionally, this club organized and priced donated items that were be sold at their school’s annual Holiday Boutique. The funds from this boutique will be used to provide scholarships for students who would like to attend field trips, but do not have the monetary means to do so.

One Friday night, the girls in this club hosted an event with their advisors called “Girls Night In” that invited any middle school girl to attend to could get to know one another and make new friends.

This club didn’t stop there! They also hosted a “Pennies For Patients” with Leukemia Fundraiser. The students made posters, put together donation boxes and delivered to each classroom for collections, and baked cupcakes to sell.

It is without question that the One World Port Chester Club is making a big impact at their school, in their community and beyond.

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