West Point Cadets visit One World Schools

Special thanks to West Point Cadets Tranelle Patterson and Isabella Minter for taking the time to visit the schools of our One World Clubs in the New York area. Over the course of the day they made 5 presentations to about 400 students in two locations. Cadets Patterson and Minter gave presentations that were uplifting and motivating, but more importantly shared their personal stories of challenge and success which were very powerful.

The name of the presentation given is referred to as “The Smart Goals Presentation.” The presentation started with Life Message #1 from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr:

  • If you can’t fly, then run.
  • If you can’t run, then walk.
  • If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward.

The presentation went on to Life Message #2:

  • There will be obstacles.
  • There will be doubters.
  • There will be mistakes.
  • But with hard work.
  • There are no limits!

Additional sessions were coordinated at each of the schools for those who wanted to participate in the first session of the Henrietta Bell Wells’ Power of Persuasion Program (POP). The Mission of the Henrietta Bell Wells’ Power of Persuasion Program is to educate, empower, and unite young black women to use their voices through the art of persuasion, research, and confidence in order to build initiatives and reforms within the community. One Worlders voluntarily participate in POP and the girls are expected to meet twice a week starting March 20th. They skype in once a week to West Point for lectures and ensure the teams are properly preparing for the tournament. The Tournament will occur first week of May (last week of April): tentatively at USMA.

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