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Catch up on the Club News!

One Worlders are making a big impact around the globe. 

A core fundamental of all One World Clubs is Service Learning, which combines learning goals and community service in ways that can enhance both student growth, and the common good.  The impact Service Learning projects are having is clear. 

cultures traditions Ny and Ecuador

Exploring Culture and Traditions between students from Ossining, New York and Cuenca, Ecuador

The fourth grade dual-language classroom from Ossining, NY, USA and the fourth grade students from Cuenca, Ecuador presented and learned about each other’s unique and diverse cultures.
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Introducing Classrooms – Ossining, NY and Guerrero, Mexico

Students from Claremont school in Ossining, New York and students from Centro Educativo Años Maravillosos (CEAM) in Guerrero, Mexico were introduced to each other through the Global Connections program and learned about each other. 
SDG Translations

Translating Sustainable Development Goals into Native Languages

In Guerrero Mexico, a One World group presented the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Native Languages during a global conference.
Global Connections - Ana

Connecting Classrooms Around the World

During very lively and dynamic presentations, students from the US & Mexico talked about food, customs, music, and other important aspects of their culture.
Turtle Release

Campamento Tortuguero Turtle Release

Students from Guerrero, Mexico and Connecticut, USA witnessed the release of 10 turtles into the sea via virtual event on June 17, 2021.
International Night Map

Global Educators Turn Their Schools Into the World

One Worlders from New York and Michigan Take a Journey Around the Globe with Virtual Field Trips & Presentations