Financial Education Program
Get future ready with financial literacy, career readiness, stock markets skills and entrepreneurship
Using the stock market as our window to the world, we teach students financial literacy, career readiness, stock markets skills and entrepreneurship. We introduce new economy concepts and build career ready skills for the 21st century.
Financial Education is offered for grades 6-12 and can be delivered directly during
class time or as a club. Lessons are scaffolded and involve project-based learning.
Our financial education program is a core pillar of the One World foundation.
Experienced by hundreds of students across the globe and facilitated by One World Founder, Joe Carvin–with over 30 years of experience on Wall Street–this course has proved to be essential in many One Worlders’ lives, integral in their career choices as well as influential in their money management post-high school and beyond.

Programming & Support
Ten, 50 minute sessions are delivered virtually or in-person by One World Financial Educators & Coaches
Certification for both students and classrooms upon completion of the program!
• Financial Literacy
• 21st Century Economics
• 21st Century Careers
• Stock Market Game
Certification for both students and classrooms upon completion of the program!
Class anchored by Stock Market Game, where students decide how to invest $100,000
Small Group Coaching Sessions
" I like being a One Worlder to connect with schools around the world to find out what they have been doing."
Callum Jones, One World student from Long Island, NY
Get Started Today!
Tom Friedman Inspired
Tom Friedman originally spurred the creation for this class in a Youtube video where he explained that when he graduated college the goal was to find a job and today the goal upon graduation is to create a job. He makes clear that the number one skill set needed for today’s world is the ability to learn.